The 24-year-old hung up his uniform and slipped into a leopardskin loin cloth to swing through the trees just like the jungle hero he idolises.
Obsessed by the celluloid wildman, DeWet spends his days swinging through the African jungle.

And just like the fictional character the 24-year-old uses vines and tree branches to propel himself through the undergrowth while bellowing Tarzan’s famous jungle cry.
Currently single, he is looking for his perfect Jane to keep him company on those long nights in the bush.
The jobless bodybuilder first became captivated by the fictional jungle warrior who lived with his monkey friend Cheetah in the original movies, when he lived in Namibia and his father was a Tarzan comic and book collector.

Jungle friends: The 24-year-old gave up his job as a security guard in Manchester to live like Tarzan

DeWet now spends all his time training his body and senses to adapt to the call of the wild.
And he spends three days a week swinging on vines, swimming across rivers and running up mountains near his home in George, South Africa, where when he is not in character he lives with his parents Ludolf and Ida, both 53, and his twin brother Rudolph.
His training also includes dodging snakes and sleeping trees.

The farmer's son said: 'I’m like Tarzan in so many ways. My best friend is an elephant called Shaka, and I spend more time with monkeys, zebras and crocodiles than I do with people.
'People might say I’m crazy, but I know this is what I was born to do.'
He explained: 'I make a platform in a tree to keep away from prowling leopards and snakes on the ground.
'It does get lonely - I would love to find a Jane to help me pass the time.'

But he added: 'I’m not the kind of guy who loves partying, I certainly never get drunk.
'I prefer to eat the fruits and berries that I find in the jungle. I also know what insects to eat.
'It would take a special kind of girl that could join me in the jungle.'

Help at hand: The would-be Tarzan is filmed getting on to an elephant. In the movies Johhny Weissmuller leapt easily onto Tantor, his trusted elephant companion, in the original movies.

When he is not running through the undergrowth DeWet helps his dad Ludolf put up fences on his ranch.
In 2006 DeWet and his twin travelled to the UK where he worked as a security guard and delivery driver for one year.
But for now DeWet has his sights set on being the star of the next Hollywood Tarzan movie

He said: 'I started training in 2007 and since then I have made big strides.
'Recently I was in contact with some guys from the USA about going over to a Tarzan convention.
'Everyone round here is talking about it. People are very excited - they didn’t think I was going to make it.'

Animal magic: A cheetah stands quietly as DeWet strokes the animal
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