Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Is that really the best colour for small children? Celine Dion shows off her miracle twins... in her big white home


Baby love: Celine Dion shares some intimate moments with her new twins on an upcoming episode of Oprah

Any parent knows that curious toddlers and anything white are not the best combination.

And while Celine Dion's babies are not at the walking and grabbing stage just yet, she may soon come to rethink her colour scheme in her home.

During an appearance on the Oprah Winfrey show, the Canadian singer showed some candid footage of her and husband Rene Angelil with their four-month-old twin boys Eddy and Nelson.

Filmed at her mansion on Jupiter Island in Florida, the video showed her walking round the brand new interiors of the $20million home.

But what was glaringly obvious to observers was the white decor - on the walls, the floors, and even the furniture - not the most suitable colour for small children.

Celine, 42, appeared on the queen of chat's show to promoting her new documentary movie, Celine: Through The Eyes Of The World.

Hello, gorgeous: Celine coos over one of her twins on the footage take inside her white home

Double the fun: A fresh-faced Celine talks to the camera as Eddy and Nelson lie contentedly in their rockers

And she brought with her some home movies, as she opened the doors of her home to and allowed cameras to capture some of the most intimate moments of her life.

The footage included shots of her house, the first time the public has been this close since work was completed last summer.

At the time were were treated to some bird-eye views of the sprawling estate, but this time shots of the exteriors were shown closer up.

Happy family: Celine and her husband Rene Angelil share the baby duties of their twin sons Eddy and Nelson

Who's my beautiful boy? Celine adoringly rubs noses with one of the twins

Celine is due to return to the stage in a few weeks, and the film documents a year of her life, including her performances and behind the scenes footage.

She also allowed Oprah's cameras into her home to introduce everyone to her twin baby boys.

In the clips, a make-up free Celine is seen wearing pyjamas and a robe as she feeds and cuddles her babies.

With her usually perfectly coiffed hair pulled back in a ponytail, the singer joins her husband of 16 years, Rene Angelil, for a group snuggle with the boys.

The couple, who have been together since 1987, also have a ten-year-old son, Rene-Charles.

Downtime: The luxurious - and very white - living room complete with family portrait

Lazy days: Celine, her family and guests can lounge by the huge pool at the back of the house

Just this week the singer returned to Las Vegas in preparation to start her renewed three year stint at The Colosseum at Caesars Palace.

She is returning to the residency for seventy shows a year starting on March 15 and has moved her entire family to the Nevada city for the duration.

Back to work: Celine talked tot he veteran chat show host about her new reality show Celine: Through The Eyes Of The World

Warm welcome: The singer and her family received quite the reception as they returned to Las Vegas for Celine to start her new show

source: dailymail


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