Nauseating: This is the moment Hines Ward nearly ended Kym Johnson's dancing career as he crushes her neck in a Dancing With The Stars dance move
Pair are back on the dance floor and receive full marks for their dance
Judge Bruno causes outrage with vulgar remarks about Karina Smirnoff's dance moves
Kym Johnson made a triumphant return to the Dancing With The Stars live performance show last night following a dramatic week which saw her rushed to hospital.
Before she and partner Hines Ward hit the dance floor, viewers witnessed the moment the former NFL star almost ended her dancing career.
In the nauseating scenes, Hines is seen falling on top of Kym, crushing her neck on the hardwood floor underneath her.
Lift: Hines flips Kym over at the start of the move
The 34-year-old's neck look as though it nearly snapped in the death-defying move.
Paramedics were quickly rushed to the scene as she cries out in excruciating pain.
Heavy load: Hines body proved to be too much for Kym as she buckles under his weight
She was then put in a neck-brace after complaining she could not feel her arms and promptly rushed to the emergency room at a nearby hospital.
The accident happened after the two were attempting to do a lift and Hines's 205lbs body came crushing down on his petite professional partner.
Crunch: Kym's neck is almost snapped when the former NFL player crushes her
But astonishingly, not only did the couple perform on Monday night's show, they received a perfect score of 30 for their Argentine Tango.
'I feel blessed and lucky to be ok,' Kym said of the accident.
The dancer blamed herself for the spill as she was trying to push herself to do more and more risky moves for the semi-final show.
Blaming herself: Even in the midst of incredible pain Kym blames herself for the accident
To the rescue: Paramedics were immediately called to the dance studios
Support: Kym tears up and worries about wasted time as she is put in a neck brace
Emergency room: Kym is taken away in a stretcher to hospital
Before her injury she said:'We have the salsa and the Argentine Tango. We're so excited about the semis but we have a lot to do.
'Knowing the competition is so close going into the semi finals does change my strategy.
'We're doing lifts that I have never seen before and never seen on Dancing With The Stars before.
'It's pretty scary but it will be worth it. You've got to take risks.'
Forlorn: Hines is left devastated by the incident and feels pangs of guilt
After the accident she consoled Hines, telling him it wasn't his fault he fell on her as the medics attended her.
'It's my fault, I shouldn't have made us do that stupid lift,' she said. 'My God I cant believe this is happening, there's so much to do. Its like a wasted day - we cant afford this.'
Hines was stunned by her professionalism.
'She was more worried about my practice than herself. To be honest I'm not even thinking about the competition now,' he said.
Spectacular: Despite the death defying fall, Kym made a triumphant return to the live performance show as she and Hines took to the floor in their first dance to perform the Argentine Tango
Thrilled: Following the performance Hines and Kym embraced with happiness
Well-rewarded: The pair received a perfect 30 score from all three of the judges
On track: Ralph Macchio was bottom of the leader board after his knee gave out on last week's show but he recovered enough to perform the opening Argentine Tango
Up to the challenge: After receiving her first 10 of the season last week for her Argentine Tango, Kirstie Alley had a lot to live up to when she took to the floor to do the Vienesse Waltz
Not up to scratch: Chelsea Kane and Mark Ballas did not fare so well with their Argentine Tango in the first round
Raunchy: The shock of the season's first perfect score had barely subsided when Ralph Macchio and Karina Smirnoff took to the stage for their salsa
Shock: Both were dressed in glamorous 70's garb but nobody could have expected the reaction from Bruno in the East Coast feed, which was heavily edited in the West Coast feed
Near perfect: Kirstie Alley's second performance of the night was the Pasodoble, which she performed in a near flawless way
Facing off: Hines and Kym were up against Ralph and Karina got all three votes from Len, Bruno and Carrie Ann in the first heat
Match up: The second heat of the Cha Cha featured Chelsea and Mark facing Kirstie and partner Maksim, with the judges choosing the former
source: dailymail
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