Wednesday, May 4, 2011

She's ba-a-ack! Katie Price - and her wardrobe - arrives back home as she bids adios to Argentina and Leandro

By Georgina Littlejohn

Home sweet home: Katie Price flashes a smile to the cameras as she arrives back in the UK from her trip to Argentina to see boyfriend Leandro Penna

She's jumped out of a plane, gone sailing for flamingos, enjoyed a day at the polo and added another tattoo to her collection.

But all good things must come to an end, as Katie Price found as she said goodbye to Argentina - and her toyboy lover- and headed back home to the UK.

The glamour model was snapped arriving at Heathrow airport last night, after jetting in from her holiday in South America.

Leaving boyfriend Leandro Penna behind, Katie - and her stack of luggage - arrived in London and immediately headed off to her Surrey mansion.

And she will no doubt be looking forward to seeing her three children, who have been spending time with Peter Andre and his family in Cyprus.

Katie certainly looked happy to be home as she beamed for the cameras, despite her 13-hour flight from Buenos Aires.

It's good to be home: Katie chats to her driver as he escorts her to her waiting car

Katie has been in South America for almost two weeks, visiting Leandro, 25, who introduced her to his family and showed her around.

The couple went sky-diving, took a romantic boat ride on Lake Chiquita, and spent a day watching the polo.

But it wasn't all fun and games as they were involved in a bad car crash, but luckily both walked away with nothing more than cuts and bruises.

Sure you've got everything? An airport worker pushes Katie's mountain of luggage to her car

Last Sunday, two horses died after the stallions ran into the road smashing into the 4X4 the couple were driving in, which left Katie, a big horse lover, feeling distraught.

Thankfully she only suffered cuts on her hands and a jarred neck after the incident, which happened at 1.30am around three miles from their hotel Estancia San Pedro Viejo in Argentina.

But the couple soon shook the incident off, and to show how much fun she had had in Argentina, Katie got inked with another tattoo to add to the five she already has.

Jet-lagged: Katie kept her tired eyes hidden under sunglasses, despite it being late at night

She has yet to reveal the new body art but opted to have the etching added to her inner left arm - alongside her older designs of a crown and her daughter's name 'Princess'.

Tweeting from the American Tattoo boutique in the upmarket Buenos Aires area of Recoleta, she wrote: ''In the middle of having a new tattoo ...OMG it HURTS grrrr ahhhhhh.'

I can't look: Katie fixes her gaze on boyfriend Leandro as she gets her tattoo



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