It's the magazine that describes its reader's as 'active, successful, intelligent men' whose rippling abs grace its cover month after month.
And now, after sifting through hundreds of entries, the readers of Men’s Health have spoken and chosen the winner of the iconic title of Cover Model 2012.
Meet Charlie Powell, a 32-year-old army captain from Stamford in Lincolnshire, who has been crowned with the prestigious title of Men’s Health Cover Model 2012.

Charlie, who features on the cover of this month’s Men’s Health, raked in a staggering 4,270 votes to win the title and is sure to have appealed to the women who like their men in a uniform.
He has trained at the prestigious Sandhurst, where he built his toned physique and prides himself on his ability to strap 100lbs of kit to his back and fight in any environment in the world.
'If that does not embody fitness I don’t know what does,' he said in his application.
His level of fitness has helped him to complete two physically demanding tours of Afghanistan and he has pushed himself to his physical limits.

He said: 'It's extremely important for my job to be fit, as a Captain in the Infantry, I am expected to lead my men from the front in extremely arduous and dangerous conditions. Being fit in my job can quite literally save lives.'
He embodies the magazine’s ideal of motivating himself to stay in great shape, wherever he might be.
'I never wanted to work in an office

Being in top physical and mental shape is a must for an army captain but Charlie did receive a little help from his NATO colleagues.
'I started to get bigger while working out with a couple of US Marines in their gym in Afghanistan. Those guys are hardcore.'
Men’s Health Editor Toby Wiseman said: 'Charlie epitomises the functional fitness we should all aspire to.
'Despite his overseas postings making regular training sometimes difficult, his dedication to his own health and fitness is an inspiration to the many time-poor men amongst us.
'If he can find the time and space to exercise, so can we.'
Wiseman added: 'His training has left him fit and strong, as well as in excellent shape aesthetically. He personifies everything the Men’s Health man should be - a natural in front of the camera and a down-to-earth guy. The competition was very tough, but he is a more than worthy winner.'
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